Digital Archiving of Linguistic Fieldwork Cassette Tapes

The UP Department of Linguistics carries in its archive cassette tapes that hold language data collected through the research projects of the Department faculty members and researchers. Most of these legacy materials are in urgent need of rescuing and long-term preservation of these data is desired in order to use them for research and teaching. The cassette tapes were acquired from a donation by Dr. Pamela C. Constantino of the UP Department of Filipino and Philippine Literature in December 2013. The tapes were recorded during fieldwork by the UP Department of Linguistics researchers and faculty from the 1960s to the 1990s. We are currently working with 733 tapes which translates to around 1,400 hours of linguistic data.

The goals of this project are threefold: (1) convert these analog data into digital data; (2) start a language data digital archive for the Department; and, (3) produce dissemination copies (subject to Department ethical clearance). Repatriation is also envisioned as the next phase of this project.

Project Leader: Michael Manahan
Fund Source: Extension Grant (UPD-EG 191917) OVCRD UP Diliman

To know more about the project, please go to