Asian Languages Extramural Classes (May 12 – July 14, 2012)

The UP Department of Linguistics is once again offering another cycle of its ASIAN LANGUAGES EXTRAMURAL CLASSES from May 12 – July 14, 2012. Registration is until APRIL 30, 2012.

This cycle introduces a new module – the INTEGRATED JAPANESE 1 MODULE which consists of the first 3 modules of our Japanese language modules (1, 2 and 3). This is the perfect module to take if you are planning to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Level N5 this December. The registration fee for the Integrated Japanese 1 module is P10,500 (equivalent to 3 modules).

We are also offering the JAPANESE / KOREAN FOR KIDS & TEENS MODULE. These classes are offered every summer for our young language learners to make their summer vacation fun and educational. Students will learn the basics of Japanese or Korean – reading and writing characters, greetings, self-introduction, basic sentence patterns and culture tidbits about Japan / Korea. A short presentation from both classes will be done on the last day. A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION will be given to the students on their last day. Registration is open until APRIL 30, 2012. Classes run from May 7 to 18, 2012. Limited slots only.

For registration instructions, click here.