2021 Filipino KFL Teacher Training Program

  • Date: 22 Nov 2021 | 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The UP Department of Linguistics, in partnership with the UP College of Education Language Education Division, and with the support of the Korea Ministry of Education through the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines, will be conducting a teacher training program for Filipinos interested in pursuing a career in teaching Korean as a foreign language (KFL).

The program aims to provide skills training to Filipinos who want to become KFL instructors by equipping them with knowledge in Korean linguistics, as well as techniques and methods used in teaching Korean as a foreign language.

The program is free of charge and applicants will undergo a screening process. Applicants are required to have above basic level proficiency in Korean. The deadline for applications is on November 8 (Monday).

To learn more about the program and how to apply, please visit bit.ly/2021KFL.

Send your application packets to our email address: linguistics.upd@up.edu.ph