MIMAROPA Orthographies
This is a project initiated by the Indigenous Peoples Education Program of the Region IV-B
(MIMAROPA) Division of the Department of Education. The aim of the project is to design
orthographies or spelling guides for the non-Tagalog languages spoken in the region. These
guides will be used in the K-3 implementation of the Mother Tongue-based education.
The process involved multiple consultative workshops and summits with teachers, community
elders, and various stakeholders followed by a series of validation and testing in the community.
This collaborative project resulted in nine (9) orthography proposals: Alangan, Asi, Buhid,
Hanunuo, Ini, Iraya, Onhan, Tagbanua, and Tawbuid. The project is in its final stages before the
guides are printed, tested, and used by the teachers and learners in K-3 who are the primary users
of these orthographies.
Project Members
- Project leaders: Jesus Federico C. Hernandez & Ria P. Rafael
- Consultants: Jem R. Javier & Elsie Marie T. Or
- Technical support: Michael S. Manahan & Noah Cruz