The Department of Linguistics proudly congratulates the following 11 faculty members who were awarded the One U.P. Professorial Chair (PC) and Faculty Grant (FG) Awards for the 2022-2024 cycle:
- Associate Professor Mary Ann G. Bacolod, PhD
One U.P. Professorial Chair Award in Linguistics (Lexicography) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Assistant Professorial Fellow Kyung Min Bae, PhD
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Language Education (Korean Language) for Outstanding Teaching and Creative Work in UP Diliman
- Associate Professor Jesus Federico C. Hernandez
One U.P. Professorial Chair Award in Philippine Linguistics (Diachronic Linguistics) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Assistant Professor Jay-Ar M. Igno
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Linguistics (Structural/Applied Linguistics) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Assistant Professor Jem R. Javier
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Linguistics (Philippine Linguistics) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Associate Professor Aldrin P. Lee, PhD
One U.P. Professorial Chair Award in Linguistics (Morphosyntax) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Instructor Michael S. Manahan
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Linguistics (Anthropological Linguistics) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Assistant Professor Elsie Marie T. Or
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Linguistics (Structural Linguistics) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Assistant Professor Ria P. Rafael
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Linguistics (Applied Linguistics) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Assistant Professor Francisco C. Rosario, Jr.
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Linguistics (Sociolinguistics) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
- Instructor Vincent Christopher A. Santiago
One U.P. Faculty Grant Award in Philippine Linguistics (Language Description) for Outstanding Teaching and Public Service in UP Diliman
Approved by the UP Board of Regents at its 1309th meeting on 22 July 2015, the One U.P. PC and FG Awards were institutionalized by the U.P. System to recognize and incentivize faculty members who “demonstrate outstanding performance in two out of three work areas of the faculty: teaching, research or creative work, and public service.” One U.P. PC Awards are granted to the highest performing full and associate professors, while One U.P. FG Awards are given to the second tier of performing full, associate, and assistant professor, as well as instructors who have demonstrated exceptional performance.
Known for its tedious evaluation process, the One U.P. PC and FG Awards system accepts and assesses individual faculty applications that undergo several layers of assessment: from the level of the unit/department, college, chancellor (through the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs), and the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and concludes with the approval of the Office of the U.P. President.
Faculty members’ performances are assessed based on the standard rubric approved by the University. For teaching, they are evaluated through the SET (Student Evaluation of Teaching), academic initiatives developed/improved, mentoring, teaching awards, and other accomplishments. Under research/creative work, faculty members’ performances are scored specifically on the following items: publications, creation of new art, performance & exhibition, research impact and influence, other intellectual property output, (co-)editorship, conference presentations, research/creative work awards, and other accomplishments. Meanwhile, the assessment items included in the public service category are as follows: public service to UP, the profession, the nation, and the world; public service materials and programs developed/improved, public service awards, and other accomplishments.
Ang aming maalab na pagbati!
Published by UP Department of Linguistics