Instructor Brian Baran has received the UPD Student Publication Award for Exemplary Research and Creative Work for his recent publication, “Amo Lat: A Sketch of Second Position Discourse Particles in Linawis, the Madridejos Variety of Bantayanon,” in The Archive Journal.

The award is given by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development, and aims to “cite exemplary research publications of students and to encourage UPD students to create impact from their research activities by publishing their work in UPD journals.” To be eligible, a student must be (i) “enrolled in UPD at the time of submission of the article, or (ii) “last enrolled in UPD no more than one (1) year from the acceptance of the article for publication.”

More information about the application process may be found here.

Scholars interested in contributing articles to The Archive Journal may visit <…/the-archive-journal/> for additional details and email the Managing Editor at <>.

Published by UP Department of Linguistics