The Department’s Korean Language Cluster invited to a get-together the Plan C-Korean undergraduate students and other students who might be interested in taking Korean as a language specialization last 12 April 2024 (Friday).

The event was hosted by the Koreyano 12-13 class under Senior Lecturer Mark Rae De Chavez. The participants at the event partook in activities that include Korean food demonstration and tasting. Students practiced their Korean language comprehension by listening to the instructions for preparing ingredients for pajeon (파전) and they also tried their hand at cooking pajeon themselves.

The participants also tasted jjapaghetti in celebration of Black Day, which is also known as the unofficial Single’s Day in Korea . Afterwards, a quick info session on the Plan C-Korean curriculum and program was held and virtual messages sent by Plan C-Korean graduates were also shared.
More information about the Department’s undergraduate curricula can be found via this link.
Published by UP Department of Linguistics