Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Maria Kristina Gallego on getting her PhD in Linguistics from the Australian National University (ANU)!
Her doctoral dissertation is titled “The Stratigraphy of a Community: 150 Years of Language Contact and Change in Babuyan Claro, Philippines.” In her study, she documented the sociolinguistic landscape of the island community of Babuyan Claro, the contact-induced language changes in the Ibatan language as spoken by the members of the community, and the various agents of change at the individual and community level that underpin these linguistic changes.
Gallego’s primary supervisor is Dr. Bethwyn Evans of the ANU School of Culture, History and Language. Other members of her supervisory panel are Prof. I Wayan Arka, Dr. Jennifer Hendriks, and Prof. Emeritus Lawrence Reid.
Her dissertation may be viewed at the ANU digital repository through this link. The language materials that she collected through her fieldwork at Babuyan Claro are deposited at the Endangered Languages Archive and may be accessed here.
Pagbati, Dr. Kristina Gallego!
Published by UP Department of Linguistics