The Korean-Foreign Language Parallel Corpus Project (K-FL Parallel Corpus Project), initiated by South Korea’s National Institute of Korean Language (국립국어원), just published their guidelines for translating their corpus into the eight languages selected for the project. These languages are (1) Filipino, (2) Vietnamese, (3) Indonesian/Malaysian, (4) Thai, (5) Hindi, (6) Khmer, (7) Russian, and (8) Uzbek. Among the co-authors listed in the published guidelines are the members of our faculty who currently comprise the Filipino team of the parallel corpus project. These are Dr. Aldrin P. Lee, Dr. Kyung Min Bae, and Senior Lecturer Maria Concepcion Loren Chua.
The K-FL Parallel Corpus Project aims to help enhance the quality of intercultural communication and automatic machine translation of Korean texts. The current publication was put together by a large team of international scholars, headed by the project’s research director, Dr. Junghee Lee (Kyunghee University). The guidelines detail how to approach translating Korean into other languages, including notes on orthography, lexical choice, sentence patterns, and other language features, to better capture the meanings of Korean texts.
The book was published by Hawoo Publishing and is now available on their website.
Published by UP Department of Linguistics