BA Linguistics Batch 2022, who graduated last July, published this year’s sky-themed edition of ‘Rosetta,’ the official yearbook of the UP Department of Linguistics.
Copies of the yearbook were distributed in the first few weeks of December, with the graduates each having access to a digital version.
Included in ‘Rosetta 2022’ are highlights from the four years the students studied in UP, featuring the educators, organizations, programs, and events that made the graduates’ stay more memorable. Despite the pandemic cutting face-to-face classes and events short, our Lingg iskxs made the most out of their university experience, as the yearbook shows.
‘Rosetta 2022: Skies’ concludes with collages from July’s graduation rites, the first in-person event the students attended as a batch since the pandemic began. While reminiscing the years 2018 to 2022 through the yearbook and its accompanying playlist, this year’s graduates will see photos of themselves, masked, but smiling, nonetheless.
Under the guidance of their batch adviser Inst. Michael S. Manahan, the yearbook editorial board includes editor-in-chief JM De Pano, associate editors Keilah Garcia, Juliane Tamina, and Jose Raphael Duran, and staffers Gertrude Lim, Maemi Manaloto, Althea Castro, Khrystyn Gift Ganias and Princess Erica Avila.
‘Rosetta 2022’ was released coinciding with the yearbook of batches 2019・202・2021 and the Department’s centennial anniversary.
Published by UP Department of Linguistics