The Department once again collaborated with the UP Korea Research Center (UP KRC) in organizing the 9th Philippine Korean Studies Symposium (9PKSS), which was held this year from 21 to 22 March 2023 at the University Hotel. The invited plenary speakers at this year’s symposium were Dr. Doobo Shim (Sungshin Women’s University), who talked about the different aspects of the global spread and the rise of popularity of Korean culture over the years, and Dr. Jean Encinas-Franco (UPD Department of Political Science), who emphasized the need to expand the breadth and reach of Korean studies to include less explored sociopolitical topics that possibly impact societies reached by the Hallyu Wave.

Several members of the Department also presented their research papers at the symposium. Assistant professorial fellow, Dr. Kyung Min Bae, shared two co-authored studies–one titled “Beyond Promoting International Cooperation and Understanding: Exploring Education Diplomacy between South Korea and The Philippines” (with UPD Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas professors, Dr. Gerard Concepcion and Dr. Ronel Laranjo) and “Korean Studies in the Philippines: Focusing on University of the Philippines Constituent Universities” (with Dr. Michelle Palumbarit of the UPD Asian Center).

Lecturer Michael Manahan co-presented a study titled “Analyzing Sentiments of Netizens towards Facebook Posts of Embassies of the Philippines and South Korea from 2016-2022” with Jovito Jose Katigbak (De La Salle University Manila) and Seksan Anantasirikiat (International Studies Center Thailand).
A post-conference workshop on Korean-as-a-Foreign-Language Education was held on 23 March 2024 at the CSSP Wellness Center where Hye Ran Kim (Higher School of Economics in Moscow) discussed modern trends in training students’ translation and communication skills. BA Ling alum and current MA Ling student, Mr. James Dominic Manrique was also invited to talk about the development of Korean language education in the Philippines and to introduce the King Sejong Institute Foundation and the King Sejong Institute Quezon City, with which he is currently affiliated.
More information about the event can be found on the UP KRC Facebook page and website. Thank you to all the presenters, participants, as well as all the people behind the scenes at event!
Published by UP Department of Linguistics