UP Samahang Linggwistika
UP Samahang Linggwistika, or UP SaLin, was first established in 1977
A duly-recognized socio-civic, academic, and non-profit student organization based in the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UP SaLin is composed of BA Linguistics majors and language enthusiasts from other courses all over the university.
With its refreshed tagline, “Wika para sa kapwa, kapwa para sa wika,” the organization aims to direct its efforts in creating projects that will promote linguistics and languages using realistic, meaningful, and up-to-date methods, all while allowing its members to develop and showcase their linguistic knowledge and skills.
In this pursuit, UP SaLin advocates the study, preservation, and enrichment of languages, both local and foreign, in academic and social contexts, for the increased linguistic awareness of the individual, fellow students, and the Filipino people for the development of our nation.
One of UP SaLin’s advocacies is the development and full realization of the Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) policy in the Philippines. Recognizing the rich linguistic diversity in the country, the aims and projects of UP SaLin are for the betterment of the diverse Filipino people. The organization sees that the understanding of language as a whole, as well as the awareness and appreciation of Philippine languages in particular, are vital in our development as a nation of diverse peoples.
In this light, and in strengthening its newly reassessed identity in 2020, UP SaLin’s logo represents a bangka over the tide. The bangka itself symbolizes the role of languages in connecting and unifying people. The logo also references the rich history of early Filipinos in the archipelago and its surrounding regions, along with the organization’s leadership and membership seeking to grasp the deep fountain of knowledge that is language.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/updsalin | /updsalin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/updsalin | @updsalin
Email: UP Samahang Linggwistika | updsalin@gmail.com
Tambayan Address:
3rd Floor Pavilion 1, Palma Hall
College of Social Sciences and Philosophy
University of the Philippines Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines 1101