The UP Korea Research Center (UP KRC) published Assistant Professor Farah C. Cunanan‘s presentation titled, “Curricular Proposal for the Institution of Korean Language Courses and Program: The UP Linguistics Experience,” in its 2024 Policy Brief.
As UP KRC writes, Cunanan’s work “was part of the 2023 Philippine Koreanist Congress – Special Korean Studies Roundtable with UP CUs, held on 11 August 2023.” The abstract of the paper can be read below.:
Curricular Proposal for the Institution of Korean Language Courses and Program: The UP Linguistics Experience
In this presentation, I will share the experience of the Department of Linguistics (UP Diliman) in
proposing higher level Korean language courses and the Korean track of the BA Linguistics program. I will start with relevant information that various curriculum committees of the University look for in a curricular proposal and narrate how the Department prepared for them. I will also share my reflections on the curriculum development process as well as on the offering and implementation of these courses and programs in relation to our current circumstances.
The whole article can be read here.
Published by UP Department of Linguistics