The sixteen (16) participants of the Department’s Filipino Korean-as-a-Foreign-Language (KFL) Teacher Training Program headed to South Korea with Department Chair Jem Javier and Dr. Kyung Min Bae last 10 July (Sunday) to begin the final phase of their training under the program.
The trainees will undergo intensive courses facilitated by the Seoul Business School at aSSIST University (서울과학종합대학원) from 11 to 21 July 2022 in order to further widen their knowledge and skills in teaching Korean as foreign language. They will also learn more about Korean society, culture and media so that they can discover how to incorporate these in teaching the language as well.
At the end of the program, each participant will conduct a teaching demonstration to showcase what they have learned from the months-long training program which began in December of last year.
The KFL Teacher Training Program is funded by the Korean Ministry of Education with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines.
Published by UP Department of Linguistics