Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Jesus Federico Hernandez on the publication of their policy brief tackling the issue of human rights and how it intersects with the language rights of indigenous peoples. Hernandez co-authored this policy brief, published by the La Trobe Asia Brief, with Dr. Gerald Roche (La Trobe University) and Dr. Madoka Hammine (Meio University). The Department recently hosted Dr. Roche’s special lecture on the history of language oppression, which he delivered last September 27, 2022 as part of the Department’s Linguistics Special Lecture Series (LSLS) and its centennial anniversary. A recording of that lecture can be viewed on the Department’s YouTube channel. Below is an excerpt from the executive summary of their brief.
Indigenous Language Rights and the Policy of Fear in Asia
The United Nations has declared 2022 the start of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. This decade aims to raise awareness of the ongoing global loss of Indigenous languages and to initiate effective action in defense of Indigenous languages.
The plan for the Decade centers two key principles: a human rights approach, and participation by Indigenous people.
However, ongoing attacks on human rights defenders and restrictions on civil society present critical challenges for the Decade, creating a politics of fear that suppresses action in defense of Indigenous languages and undermines the effectiveness of the Decade.
We demonstrate this by examining the situation in China, India, and Indonesia. These are the three most populous and linguistically diverse countries in Asia. In each country, Indigenous languages are suppressed, while human rights defenders and civil society are under attack.
We conclude by making recommendations for the governments of China, India, and Indonesia;
the United Nations; global civil society; and the government and people of Australia. Our recommenda- tions seek to ensure the safe participation of Indigenous language rights defenders in the International Decade of Indigenous Languages.
You can read and download a copy of the policy brief here.
Pagbati, Sir Tuting, Dr. Roche and Dr. Hammine!
Published by UP Department of Linguistics