The Department of Linguistics officially launches the Digital Repository of the Philippine Linguistics Congress in commemoration of the 75th birth anniversary of the late Dr. Jonathan C. Malicsi, convener of the first PLC.
The PLC Digital Repository contains conference proceedings, books of abstracts, and other resource materials generated from previous installments of the PLC. These are open-access manuscripts that can be utilized by students, educators, and researchers interested in studies on Philippine languages and dialects and language-related issues in the country. The repository endeavors to document the advancements in the study of Philippine languages and the prospects of the development of Philippine linguistics as reflected in the works that were presented by various scholars from around the world at the PLC since its inception in 1978.
This repository also serves as a testament to the Department’s effort to support scholarly discourses on Philippine linguistics, language studies, and related disciplines. It strives to remain true to Dr. Malicsi’s commitment to encourage and promote active research on the country’s languages, and to disseminate findings from these studies to the wider public. Some works housed in this repository are those of Filipino linguists like Consuelo J. Paz, Ernesto Constantino, Ernesto H. Cubar, Emy Pascasio, and Bro. Andrew Gonzalez, as well as lectures delivered by foreign scholars including Lawrence A. Reid, Shuanfan Huang, Edward A.F. Gibson, William O’Grady, Tsunezaku Moriguchi, and R. David Zorc. Other notable scholars on Philippine languages who have presented in past PLCs include Bonifacio Sibayan, Fe T. Otanes, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista, Virgilio Enriquez, Prospero Covar, Antoon Postma, Zeus Salazar, and National Artist Virgilio Almario.
PLC is an international occasional conference that serves as a platform for presenting and discussing research output on the current topics and trends in Philippine linguistics. Its first installment was in 1978, and the most recent PLC was held last August 2021.
The PLC Digital Repository can be accessed here. Information on the materials’ copyright and guidelines on their use are also provided on the website. For inquiries, please send an email to linguistics.upd@up.edu.ph.
Published by Patricia Anne Asuncion