PhD in Linguistics

The PhD in Linguistics program of the Department focuses on Philippine linguistics and research on Philippine languages and dialects to address language-related issues in the country. 

Current students and graduates of our PhD program have successfully conducted advanced research that focus on language documentation and description, lexicography, diachronic linguistics, field linguistics, phonology, dialectology, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, and comparative linguistics.

Program Requirements

Students under the PhD in Linguistics program must satisfy the following academic requirements to obtain the degree:

  • Core Courses: 30 units
  • Cognate Courses: 6 units
  • Language Proficiency Examination
  • Comprehensive Examination
  • PhD Dissertation (Lingg 400): 12 units

Core Courses

The following core courses must be taken by all PhD students. Each course has 3 credit hours. Note that some core courses must be taken in sequence.

  • LinggPil 302: History of Philippine Linguistics
  • LinggPil 345: Philippine Lexicography
  • LinggPil 346: Grammatical Analysis of Philippine Languages
  • LinggPil 365: Diachronic Comparison of Philippine Languages
  • LinggPil 366: Typological Comparison of Philippine Languages
  • LinggPil 380: Philippine Dialectology
  • LinggPil 385: Subgrouping of Philippine Languages
  • LinggPil 390: Selected Problems in Philippine Linguistics
  • Lingg 396: Seminar: Grammatical Theories
  • Lingg 399: Research

Students who do not hold a master’s or bachelor’s degree in linguistics are required to take Lingg 201: The Science of Linguistics [Ang Sayans ng Linggwistiks], where they must obtain a grade of 1.5 or higher, as well as an additional 12 units of MA linguistics courses (see below).

Additional Required MA Linguistics Courses

Students without a degree in linguistics are required to take the following 200-level linguistics courses:

  • Lingg 206: Grammatical Analysis I
  • Lingg 225: Field Methods in Linguistics
  • LinggPil 280: Structure of a Philippine Language 
  • LinggPil 285: Structural Comparison of Philippine Languages

Cognate Courses

Students are required to take six (6) units of cognate courses. Cognate courses may be in a subfield of linguistics or courses from related disciplines offered by other units of the University, subject to the approval of the graduate program adviser. The Department offers the following courses that can be taken as cognates:

  • Lingg 301: History of Linguistics
  • Lingg 335: Transformational Theory
  • Lingg 386: Seminar: Southeast Asian Linguistics
  • LinggPil 360: Philippine Psycholinguistics
  • LinggPil 370: Philippine Sociolinguistics
  • LinggPil 375: Philippine Ethnolinguistics

Note that cognate linguistics course offerings vary every semester, depending on the availability of the instructor who may teach them.

Language Proficiency Requirement

All graduate students are required to submit a certificate of proficiency in a language for research. The language for research is ideally a language that the student can use in their studies and research. It may be any language other than English, Filipino, and the student’s native language(s).

Comprehensive Examination

After completing their coursework and fulfilling the language proficiency requirement, PhD students are required to take a comprehensive examination in the following areas: synchronic linguistics, diachronic linguistics, and cognate (which will be determined with the adviser). The comprehensive exam is a written test designed to assess the student’s mastery of the discipline, which they would have acquired during their coursework.

Doctoral Dissertation

After completing their coursework, fulfilling the language proficiency requirement, and passing the comprehensive examination, PhD students are required to enroll in a 12-unit dissertation course (Lingg 400), where they write a dissertation on their chosen research topic focusing on Philippine linguistics under the supervision of an appointed dissertation adviser.

The doctoral dissertation is the significant culmination of a graduate student’s training. It must make an original contribution to scientific knowledge through the uncovering of new facts, reinterpretation of known facts in significantly novel ways based on sound methodology, or development and presentation of new and sound methods of critical investigation and analysis. A set of University rules and procedures are followed, from the conceptualization of the dissertation proposal to the submission of the final dissertation manuscript. A student must successfully defend their dissertation proposal at least one semester before the final oral dissertation defense.

Grade Requirements

Students who do not hold a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in linguistics are required to take Lingg 201, where they must obtain a grade of 1.5 or higher to continue with the program. They should also take Lingg 206, Lingg 225, LinggPil 280, and LinggPil 285 in addition to the PhD courses. 

All continuing students must maintain a general weighted average (GWA) of 1.75 or higher in all core linguistics courses and a cumulative weighted average grade (CWAG) of 1.75 or higher in all required (credited) courses.

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